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What Are Duas in Islam?
with English Translations and Transliterations (Pronunciation)
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In Islam, Duas refer to prayers made to directly communicate with Allah. They are a means of seeking guidance, blessings, forgiveness, and assistance in various aspects of life.
This article is part of a series of articles on learning Islam step by step by yourself. You can read the other articles here:
Learn Islam Step by Step
Can I Make Dua in My Own Language?
Yes, you can make dua in any language that you understand. While Arabic is often used for dua because it was the language of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), it is not a requirement. Allah understands all languages, and what matters most is your sincerity and heartfelt nature of your ask to Allah.
There are many duas mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah that can be recited in Arabic. However, you can also make dua in your own words, expressing your needs and desires to Allah. This is a way to connect with Allah on a personal level and seek His guidance and blessings.
What are the Different Types of Duas?
There is no situation that is too small or too big for dua. Every situation you may find yourself in, whether as mundane as going to sleep, beginning to eat, or entering the masjid, there is a dua.
There are various types of dua that a Muslim can make, depending on their needs and circumstances. Remember, Allah is always ready to listen and respond to the sincere asks of His servants.
We have translated many dua, which can be found here.
Some examples of specific dua are here:
Dua for Exams
Dua for Guidance (Istikhara)
Dua for Mornings and Evenings
Is it Permissible to Make Dua for Worldly Matters?
Yes, it is permissible to make dua for both worldly matters and spiritual matters. Islam teaches that one can ask Allah for guidance, success, good health, provision, and other permissible worldly needs. However, it is important to balance such dua with seeking spiritual growth, forgiveness, and closeness to Allah.
Does Allah Answer Every Dua?
Allah, in His infinite wisdom, answers every sincere dua in the way that is best for the person making the supplication. Sometimes the answer may be immediate, and sometimes it may be delayed or come in a different form.
Allah knows what is best for His creation, and He may choose to respond to a dua by granting what is asked for, granting something better in this world, or granting rewards in the Hereafter.
Can I Make Duas for Someone Else?
Yes, you can make dua on behalf of others. It is noble to ask for the well-being, guidance, or forgiveness of others. You can make dua for your family, friends, community, and even for people in general, such as those facing hardship or in need of healing. This is a way to show care and concern for others and seek blessings for them.
Why Doesn't My Dua Get Answered?
The acceptance and timing of dua are known only to Allah. There can be various reasons why a dua may not be answered as expected.
This world is a test. What you ask for may be a test of patience, a means of purification, or a redirection to something better. It is essential to have faith and trust in Allah's wisdom and continue making dua with sincerity and perseverance.
Is it Necessary to Raise Hands While Making Dua?
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Raising hands while making dua is a recommended practice, as it is a gesture of humility and submission to Allah. It is a way to physically express one's need and dependence on Allah's mercy and blessings. However, if someone is unable to raise their hands, dua can still be made with sincerity in the heart.
When Can I Make Dua?
Dua can be made at any time and in any place. However, there are certain times and situations that are considered more favorable for dua.
During Prayer (Salat)
Dua is an integral part of the prayer itself. After completing the obligatory acts of the prayer, you can make personal supplications in your own words, expressing your needs and seeking Allah's mercy.
After reciting the tasleem (ending the prayer), it is recommended to make dua for forgiveness and blessings for oneself, one's family, and the entire Muslim community.
During the Last Third of the Night
The time just before dawn is considered a blessed and favorable time for making dua. It is known as the time of Tahajjud, when the night is calm and peaceful. Muslims often wake up during this time to engage in voluntary prayers and make heartfelt supplications.
Between the Adhan (Call to Prayer) and Iqama
It is recommended to make dua during this period, as it is believed that it is a time when Allah's mercy is abundant and prayers are more likely to be answered.
During Prostration (Sujood)
While in the state of prostration during prayer or in voluntary acts of worship, it is encouraged to make dua. This is considered a moment of great humility and closeness to Allah.
Fridays During Jummah (Friday prayer)
The day of Friday holds special significance in Islam, and it is recommended to make dua on Fridays, especially during the last hour before sunset. It is a time when Allah's mercy is said to be widespread.
In Times of Distress or Hardship
Whenever you find yourself facing difficulties, challenges, or moments of sadness, you can turn to Allah in dua. He is always ready to listen and respond to the sincere supplications of His servants.
An example dua, specifically for when you are experiencing nightmares.
What does the Quran say about dua?
There are several verses from the Quran discussing the concept of dua and its importance in Islam. Here are some examples.
When My servants ask you O Prophet about Me: I am truly near. I respond to one's prayer when they call upon Me. So let them respond ˹with obedience˺ to Me and believe in Me, perhaps they will be guided to the Right Way. Quran, Surah Baqara 2:186.
And your Lord says, Call upon Me; I will respond to you. Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell, fully humbled. Quran, Surah Ghafir 40:60.
Remember, dua is a personal and intimate connection between the individual and Allah. It is a powerful form of worship and should be approached with sincerity, humility, and trust in Allah's mercy and wisdom.

Aman Azad
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