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Four Arabic Phrases You Must Know - Mashallah, Inshallah, Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah
with English Translations and Transliterations (Pronunciation)
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These four phrases are some of the most commonly used sayings in the Muslim world, and are often used in our daily lives. But what do they mean? Let's unpack what each of these, and dive into their meaning and when to use them.
What God has willed, God willing, Praise be to God, Glory to God.
This is the direct translations of each of these phrases, along with each individual word comprising each phrase translated and transliterated.
This phrase is common in Arabic, and in Muslim populations around the world. It is used to express appreciation, joy, praise, or thankfulness for an event or person that was just mentioned. It is also used to express gratitude, joy, and praise when something good happens. It is also used as a general expression of praise, joy, and thankfulness.
This phrase speaks to the qadr (power) of Allah. Nothing happens in this world except by the will of Allah. Using this phrase we acknowledge that the good we are witnessing comes from Allah, and we are grateful for it.
Though this has become a trendy phrase to say in Western countries as of late, but it is a phrase that is used in the Muslim world on a daily basis. It is used to express hope, intention, or a plan for the future. It is also used to express a desire for something to happen, or to express a desire for something to happen in the future.
ArabicBridge is the Arabic learning app for muslims.
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This phrase is commonly interpreted as a kinder way to say 'No'. But there is a more powerful interpretation. That if God has in His plans for us to do something, then it will happen. If it is not in His plans, then it will not happen. This phrase is a reminder that we are not in control of our lives, and that we should always be mindful of the will of Allah.
This is a very important saying that is one of the most recited phrases in all of human history. Every single day, 5 times a day, more than 2 billion Muslims on the Earth recite Surah Al-Fatihah which contains this very phrase. In the full, the phrase is:
All praise is due to God, Lord of all the worlds.
During good times, during hard times, or during times you're feeling gratitude. This phrase is appropriate in all such occasions. When to use this phrase is simple: when is an appropriate time to thank God? The answer is always.
This is a commonly used phrase in dhikr, or remembrance of Allah. Translated more literally, this phrase means Allah is above all.
This phrase is also commonly used when exalting Allah's beauty, and power independent of any human or anthropomorphic qualities. It is also used to express amazement, awe, and wonder at the beauty of Allah's creation.

Aman Azad
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