What is a Hadith in Islam?

with English Translations and Transliterations (Pronunciation)

A hadith in Islam refers to a saying, action, or approval attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). It is an essential source of guidance for Muslims, providing detailed accounts of the Prophet's teachings, actions, and approvals.

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Hadiths are compiled in collections known as Hadith literature, and they play a crucial role in understanding and implementing the teachings of Islam.

What is the Purpose of Studying Hadith?

Studying hadith allows Muslims to gain a deeper understanding of the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad. It provides guidance on matters not explicitly mentioned in the Quran and helps Muslims follow the Prophet's example in various aspects of life.

In the Quran, Muslims are commanded to obey Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Studying hadiths is a means of fulfilling this commandment and following the Sunnah of the Prophet.

From the Quran, we are told the following.


















Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often. Quran, Surah Al-Ahzab, (33:21).

















And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it. And whatever he forbids you from, leave it. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is severe in punishment. Quran, Surah Al-Hashr, (59:7).

How Were Hadiths Collected and Preserved?

Hadiths were initially transmitted orally by the companions of the Prophet Muhammad and later compiled by scholars. They meticulously recorded the hadiths, verifying their authenticity and narrators. The collections were then passed down through generations, ensuring their preservation.

How Do We Know if a Hadith is Authentic?

Scholars employ the science of hadith criticism (ilm al-rijal) to assess the authenticity of hadiths. They scrutinize the chain of narration (isnad) and examine the reliability and integrity of each narrator.

Various criteria, such as the narrator's credibility and memory, are considered in determining the authenticity of a hadith.

What is Isnad, or the Chain of Narration?

The chain of narration (isnad) refers to the series of narrators through which a hadith has been transmitted from the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to its recording. The isnad includes the names of the narrators along with their biographical information.

Each narrator in the chain is expected to be reliable and trustworthy for the hadith to be considered authentic. The study of the isnad helps determine the reliability and authenticity of a hadith and ensures its traceability back to the Prophet Muhammad.

What Are the Grades of Hadith Authenticity?

1. Sahih (Authentic)

2. Hasan (Good)

3. Da'if (Weak)

4. Mawdu' (Fabricated)

No, not all hadiths are considered equally authentic. Scholars have classified hadiths into different categories based on their level of authenticity. The most reliable and authentic hadiths are known as Sahih (authentic), while others may be classified as Hasan (good) or Da'if (weak). If Hadiths are fabricated, they are known as Mawdu' (fabricated).

What are the Books of Hadith?

The major books of hadith are known as the Six Authentic Books (Al-Kutub Al-Sittah). These books are:

1. Sahih al-Bukhari

2. Sahih Muslim

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3. Sunan Abu Dawood

4. Jami` at-Tirmidhi

5. Sunan an-Nasa'i

6. Sunan Ibn Majah

These compilations contain thousands of hadiths, classified according to different topics. They are highly respected and widely studied by scholars and students of Islamic knowledge.

You can browse all the hadiths in these books here.

We have translated many of these hadiths into English, and categorized them based on their topics. You can read them here:

How Does Hadith Relate to Sunnah?

The Sunnah refers to the way of life, actions, and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Hadiths are the primary means through which the Sunnah is transmitted to subsequent generations. The hadiths provide practical examples of how the Prophet lived his life and applied the principles of Islam, offering a comprehensive understanding of his teachings and actions.

How Does Hadith Relate to the Seerah (Biography of the Prophet)?

Seerah refers to the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), encompassing his life, character, and major events. Hadiths form a significant part of the Seerah, providing detailed accounts of the Prophet's words and actions in various situations. They offer insights into his personal life, interactions with others, and the circumstances in which specific teachings and rulings were given.

How Does Hadith Relate to the Quran?

The Quran is the holy book of Islam, revealed directly by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). While the Quran is the primary source of Islamic teachings and principles, the hadiths complement and clarify the Quranic verses.

Hadiths provide contextual explanations, examples, and practical applications of the Quranic teachings, aiding in the understanding and implementation of the Quranic message.

How Does Hadith Relate to Sharia?

Sharia refers to the Islamic law derived from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Hadiths play a vital role in the development and interpretation of Sharia.

They provide detailed guidance on various aspects of personal and communal life, including worship, morality, family matters, commerce, and legal principles. Scholars analyze and derive legal rulings from the hadiths to formulate the rules and regulations of Sharia.

How Does Hadith Relate to Madhabs?

Madhabs, or Islamic legal schools, are different scholarly interpretations and understandings of Sharia. Hadiths are fundamental in the formation of Madhabs. Scholars within each Madhab rely on the hadith literature to derive legal rulings and establish the methodology for interpreting Islamic law.

The various Madhabs often have different perspectives on the authenticity and interpretation of certain hadiths, leading to different legal opinions within the Islamic legal tradition.

Is Any One Madhab More Authentic Than the Others?

Islamic scholars recognize that each madhab has its own way of reasoning about the Quran, Sunnah, Seerah, and all in light of their communities needs. These methodologies are based on the understanding and interpretation of the Quran, Sunnah (teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad), consensus (ijma'), and analogy (qiyas).

The scholars within each madhab dedicate extensive study and research to derive legal rulings and guidance for their respective communities.

Differences amongst Muslim populations and their needs have led to the development of different madhabs. Each madhab has its own methodology and reasoning for deriving legal rulings and guidance.

For example, rulings of a scholar in Saudi Arabia may differ from those of a scholar in Indonesia, as they are based on the needs of their respective communities. It is important to note that all the madhabs are valid within the Islamic legal tradition, and individuals can follow the madhab that aligns with their understanding and conviction.

Which Madhab Should I Follow?

There is no obligation to follow a particular madhab. Muslims are free to follow any madhab they choose, as long as they follow the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.

Typically, Muslims follow the madhab of their local community or the madhab of their family. However, if you are unsure which madhab to follow, you can consult a scholar or imam for guidance.


Ultimately, the goal is to follow the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, and to live a life that is pleasing to Allah. Strive for knowledge and understanding, and do your best to follow the teachings of Islam.

Aman Azad

Aman Azad

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